Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing #16 - Wikis

I am just learning how to use Wikis in an effective manner. A group of campus tech reps has started one with hopes of creating collaboration of the reps from each campus. Unfortunately, this was started at the end of the school year when many of us are tired and not ready to take on new adventures. After revisiting this lesson, I see what a great opportunity I missed out on as I was caught up in the myriad of emails from everyone which could better be served in a Wiki.

The possibilities of using this application are endless, from group projects to classroom discussions. I see the difference in that all comments can be edited, not like a blog where one can only contribute or add on. When planning and assigning tasks, the need for change can be easily edited to avoid having to repeat steps and to join in on the current status at hand.

I believe I can use this tool when planning a broadcast assignment. All students have different roles and duties. Rather than me using the traditional role of task giver, the students can take ownership in the project and step in where they are needed.


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